Getting involved is easy. There are many different ways that you can help.

One of the ways that you can help solve childhood hunger in our community is by donating food that is non-perishable and easy to prepare. These types of foods are easy for kids to take home over the weekend and quickly and easily prepare by themselves, if needed.

Each bag typically consists of:

  • 2 Breakfast Items.
  • 2 Lunch Items.
  • 2 Snacks.
  • 2 Dinner Items.

Below is a list of the most common food items that Tan’s Treats supplies in our weekend “backpacks” for children.

*Individual Oatmeal Packets
*Nutrigrain Bars OR Poptarts
*Granola Bars
*Snacks (cracker packs, fruit snacks, etc.)
*Fruit Cups OR Applesauce Packets
*Ramen Noodles
*Vienna Sausage OR Canned Meat (tuna, chicken, etc.)
*Canned Dinner (Chicken Noodle Soup, Canned Ravioli, etc.)

Individual Portion Oatmeal Packets

Canned Vienna Sausage

Individual Portion, Apple Sauce Cups

Granola Bars

Macaroni and Cheese (Preferably, Easy Mac)

Individual Pop Top Ravioli

Individually Packaged Fruit Cups

Pop tarts

Ramen Noodles